./configure make make install Then: 1. make email pipe into jksms-in.pl e.g., with qmail/vpopmail: # ( echo "peer: asterisk.example.com" # echo "name: 2155551212@mobile.example.net=john" # echo "name: 6105551212@mobile.example.net=kate" # ) > /etc/jksms.cfg # cp built/jksms-in.pl /usr/local/script # echo '| /usr/local/script/jksms-in.pl' > ~vpopmail/domains/example.com/.qmail-sms # chown vpopmail:vchkpw !$ # chmod ugo+x /usr/local/script/jksms-in.pl # cpan Sys::SigAction should work fine with other MTAs, might need to modify $ENV{SENDER} in jksms-in.pl to find the envelope sender address. *NOTE: jksms-in.pl does not need to live on the same system as your Asterisk box. there's a special socket created between jksms-in.pl and jksmsd for this. My jksms-in.pl is installed on my mail server at a colo; my jksmsd is installed on my Asterisk box at my house. On a separate box, jksms-in.pl only requires the Sys::SigAction module. 2. hook jksms.agi to Asterisk e.g., with asterisk + swift (cepstral): # cat contrib/extensions.conf >> /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf # vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf hook some dial code to the texts context, e.g., [extensions] exten => *0,1,Goto(texts,s,1) # asterisk -rx 'dialplan reload' 3. set up config file on your Asterisk box make sure your 'allowed' range includes your mail server # cat <<__EOCONFIG__ > /etc/jksms.cfg username: user_from_manager.conf secret: secret_from_manager.conf dsn: DBI:SQLite:dbname=/var/sql/jksms/jksms.db dbun: dbpw: channel: Local/q*@intercom allow:, context: tts exten: s priority: 1 dialcode: *0 from: sms@example.com name: 2155551212@mobile.example.net=john name: 6105551212@mobile.example.net=kate __EOCONFIG__ # chown nobody /etc/jksms.cfg # chmod 0400 /etc/jksms.cfg 4. start up jksmsd # /etc/init.d/jksmsd start 5. watch the logs # tail -f /var/log/local6.log