Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Jeremy Kister Author: Jeremy Kister Date: 2008-May-01 19:15 (EDT) Function: send messages via AIM/OSCAR take a look at for hosting/colo/Internet stuff, check out Check for the latest version of this code at: naim (Notify via AIM) is usefull for helping progams communicate by sending messages via AIM. Typical programs that could use this are: Argus - Nagios - Start this before argus/nagios is started; just as qpage and/or qmail are. If you're running sendmail, btw, you should move over to qmail. Be sure to run naimc as the same user that naimd is running as -- You dont want to run naimd as nobody and run naimc as root. It's easiest to run naimd as the same user argusd/nagios runs as. e.g.: If you're running argusd as "argus", then run naimd as argus. If you want to manually send a message with naimc, do something like: su argus /usr/local/script/naimc DestinationUser 6969 go to and sign up for a new username/pw if you need one. note: as of 2007/11/13, there is no need to even read their confirmation email. You can ask the bot several things: ACK: N - ack notification id N ACK: all - ack all notifications argusctl status - prints output of `argusctl status` whoson - prints a list of online buddies ping - prints pong (useful for simple testing) sleep - put the bot to sleep /msg DestinationUser - relay a message to a buddy via the bot HUSH: N - Hush AIM notifications to you for N minutes AUTOACK: Nx - Autoack ALL notifications for N of x (where x is: s = sec, m = mins, h = hours, d = days -- eg: 15m or 2h)