naimd requres the Net::OSCAR module. If Net::OSCAR is not installed on your system, you can easily get it by searching on The latest version of this code is available at Lines indented are commands you can copy-and-paste, or modify before executing. cp naimd /usr/local/script/ cp naimc /usr/local/script/ chmod 755 /usr/local/script/naimd chmod 755 /usr/local/script/naimc chown root /usr/local/script/naimd chown root /usr/local/script/naimc rm -rf /tmp/aaimqueue /var/aaimqueue You probably want to run naimd as the same user that argusd runs as. Keep this in mind when you are editing your rc.naim or the run file. edit the contrib/rc.naimd, and set the arguments as needed cp contrib/rc.naimd /etc/rc.d/naimd chmod ugo+x /etc/rc.d/naimd or cp contrib/rc.naimd /etc/rc3.d/S98naimd chmod ugo+x /etc/rc3.d/S98naimd in your argus config, enter: Method "aim" { command: /usr/local/script/naimc %R %I send: %E %M nolotsmsgs: yes qtime: 10 } notify: aim:[,[...]] #### That's It. tail -f /var/log/syslog (or wherever you have the facility)