Hunnypot has a few prerequisites: a DBI compatible SQL server (MySQL, MSSQL, ...) a DBI driver (mysql, Sybase, ...) perl 5.6.1 (or above) and several perl modules, inculding: Net::DNS, IO::Socket::INET, IO::Multiplex, and DBI If either of these modules are not on your system, you can easily get them by searching on cp /usr/local/script chmod 755 /usr/local/script/ chown root /usr/local/script/ Now set up your database and table. Hunnypot doesnt need it's own database; it'll work fine if you want to give it it's own table in a generic database. If you're using MySQL, you can create your table by simply running the command in the contrib/hunnypot.mysql file. Others can review this file to find out how to set up the table on their own. You now have to choose how to start Hunnypot. You can either configure your startup scripts to start it for you, or, I'd recommend running Hunnypot under DJB's daemontools (available at: ) Notes: DEBUG = set to 1 to send more output to logs DBUN = the username to connect to the sql database with DBPW = the password for the sql username DBSERVER = the hostname of the sql server DRIVER = the DBI driver to use (mysql, Sybase,..) DBNAME = the name of the database that contains the hunnypot table HELONAME = a name to tell SMTP clients your hostname is LISTEN_IP = IP Address to listen on ( will listen on all) #### FOR STARTUP SCRIPTS ONLY #### edit the contrib/rc.hunnypot, and set the variables as needed cp contrib/rc.hunnypot /etc/rc.d/hunnypot (or cp contrib/rc.hunnypot /etc/rc2.d/S99hunnypot) make sure you set up a cron to cp /dev/null /var/log/hunnypot.log #### FOR DAEMONTOOLS ONLY #### edit the contrib/daemontools/run file, and set the variables as needed mkdir -p /service/hunnypot/log/ /var/log/hunnypot/ chown nobody /var/log/hunnypot cp contrib/daemontools/run /service/hunnypot/run cp contrib/daemontools/log/run /service/hunnypot/log/run chmod 755 /service/hunnypot/run chmod 755 /service/hunnypot/log/run #### That's It. (for daemontools): tail -f /var/log/hunnypot/current or (for startup script): tail -f /var/log/hunnypot.log and: SELECT * FROM hunnypot