Group "Server1" { Group "Queue" { hostname: graph: yes #optionally, highly recommended barstyle: none #optionally, highly recommended (only if graphing) Service UDP/SNMP { uname: local label: local maxvalue: 100 oid: . messagedn: too many msgs to local rcpts on %o{ip::hostname} messageup: %o{ip::hostname} local rcpts ok } Service UDP/SNMP { uname: remote label: remote maxvalue: 1200 oid: . messagedn: too many msgs to remote rcpts on %o{ip::hostname} messageup: %o{ip::hostname} remote rcpts ok } Service UDP/SNMP { uname: todo label: todo maxvalue: 20 oid: . messagedn: too many msgs todo on %o{ip::hostname} messageup: %o{ip::hostname} todo ok } } }